Sunday 5 July 2009

Friday 3rd July

This morning saw us visit the medical clinic that we’ve been supporting for 4 years and is the one which is probably the least known project or gets less exposure than some of our other projects simply because of it having less visual impact. But if it were considered purely on the tangible benefits that the project is delivering and the real change this is making to lives of ordinary people, this would probably headline as a major success story.

For one, it is extremely well run by a team of dedicated individuals and we started by going through the accounts so that we could see, line by line just how and where the donations were being spent: providing medicines for the clinic, paying for a doctor and also helping out genuine families who had fallen on hard times through no fault of their own but were keen to seek assistance in ensuring their children received support or assistance for education.

We were briefed on two particular success stories which had happened solely down to the donations from the Friends of Della and Don fund. In one case, a young boy had suffered from a growth hormone deficiency; we have paid for the drugs necessary and the boy is now of normal height which has boosted his confidence and as a result he achieved mostly grade A O-levels and is now working hard on his A Levels. His father was there to thanks us for the opportunity we had given his son.

As well as providing a doctor and drugs for the clinic – which is attended by about 80 people per day - we’re helping 10 similar cases, some of whom we hope to feature on the website in the future. Their stories might be heart-breaking but the difference being made to their lives is heart warming.

After we left the clinic, Steve and Gav visited the local Village school again where we were able to meet with the Principal. We now have agreement to hold a fun sports day for all the pupils on Tue 14 July involving various games and race such as the egg and spoon race. They seemed very keen on the idea and it’s something we’re all looking forward to.

We also had the chance to chat directly to some of the boys in the school and start off with a few conversational sessions in English. There is a lot to do to improve the basic skill levels but some pupils show real promise.

As we headed back to reconvene at the Beach Bar, our route took us through the edge of the village next to the main Colombo – Galle railway track. It’s easy for us to forget just what a struggle it still is for so many people here and understanding the squalid, basic existence they still have.

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