Medical Magic
The Medical Clinic is a project which we've supported since 2005 which provides free advice, prescriptions and drugs to the most needy in the area, regardless of class or religion. On Friday we went along to see it in action, to meet up with those running it and provide funding for the forthcoming year. It was a busy day and we learnt that in 2011, 1800 patients had been treated in the last 12 months - a remarkable figure and one which means it costs us less than £1 per patient visit. In terms of impact on the community, this is the one project which has the highest number of beneficiaries and is testament to the organisers and doctors who give up their time for free. They also told us about the various special awareness clinics that they hold to educate on preventing disease. One held last July (see pic) attracted over 800 visitors alone and more will take place in 2012.

We also met with the 15 families who the organisers have identified as needing special assistance, be it to support the families in covering the costs of educating their children or for specialist drugs. Five new cases were added.
The Medical Clinic is a jewel in the crown of projects we support - it has such a mass impact across the community, represents remarkable value for money and is very efficiently run.
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